Errors in the local church

Came across this fresh entry in the UK Apologetics blog by Robin Brace. What caught my attention was the query was made by a person from Singapore, who concluded that his pastor or church has wrongly interpreted 3 Jn 2, distorted the teaching and could be in error. He further mentioned the church’s teaching / practice of tithing. Good to know there are still Bereans. What he wrote resonates with my own church experience – where the church decides, presents and promotes certain teachings and practices, yet does not encourage or equip church goers to study and discover what the scripture text teaches, in context, in the whole co-text of the bible – the full counsel of God – His purpose, plan, program of His Kingdom in Christ (Rom 11:36); pre-eminently above and foremost over the pulpit’s emphasis on a man-centred grace gospel where blessings are bestowed on us – greatly blessed, highly favored, deeply loved – and the perenial focus and distortion of 3Jn 2, turning a prayer for welfare and wellbeing for an aging old man into God’s plan and promise for believers to be prosperous! Anyway, the blog entry can be read here –