THUMOS in my church- Is anyone tuning in?

  • THUMOS – learnt a new word this morning in the papers : and totally agree with the insightful writer and glad that he verbalizes my gripe and takes a bite at the nannies (Singaporeans have grown up) :-

The instant I read Mr Leslie Tong’s opinion piece in today’s newspaper, I commented and shared to my regular WhatsApp group.

But the THUMOS that resonates within me has more to do with the feeling (and observed widely in other church goers) with the church I attended weekly to worship, and tuned-in weekly now because of the Covid19 pandemic.

So what is my personal thumos with the sermonizing in my church? Apparently it wasn’t just me – many had felt this way :- repetition of themes related to success, strength, youthfulness, healing, victory, overcoming, possessing etc. – all having to do with reigning in life; way to life and health; Indeed such themes are in the scripture, but we know there’s much more to the whole counsel of God. So where’s the rest of it?

I recall clearly how mid-way in a sermon, we were summoned to stand while the pastor prayed 3 John 2 over all of us, and the response and amen was spontaneous and palpable! The mid-sermon prayer was unprecedented and unforgettable. Unforgettable, because it aroused questions within me. For such a momentous injection of a mid-sermon special prayer, the prayer must be singular, special, crucial, all-important. But I knew that was not the only prayer in the NT; it was a merely personal prayer specifically for a old man, typically advanced in years, and presumably, the author dutifully wished and prayed for his well-being. To pattern such a prayer for an individual and eisegetically apply it for the entire congregation might be conflating scripture to appeal, attract (seduce? – oh I’m very harsh here) the audience. There are much more essential, vital and pivotal prayers meant for all saints. And I blogged – when will the pulpit sermonize about the other prayers in the NT? And that episode was years years ago.

Months ago, while having tea with fellow church members, I was told a senior church staff has spoken directly to key adult leaders via YT. The sentiments to the message lead to it being circulated widely. Presumably it was a admonishment to feedback that the pastor’s messages were repetitive, rehashed, without much content, freshness …. (I would add void of exposition, exegesis).

So, reading about thumos this morning brought me back to what I heard during that tea fellowship.

Years ago, the pulpit put-down pastors – even grace pastors from other churches who did not believe in tithing. I thought then – that wasn’t wise or fair. The pulpit withheld the context of what other churches subscribed to ie according to Hebrews 7, the levitical tithing has been done-away with. We don’t have to be another Zohner to conflate narratives to alleviate ourselves. I was embarrassed that our pulpit said such. After many days, I was prompted in spirit to write to my pastor. But my pastor had oftentimes explicitly told the congregation never to write to him. But I was prompted and I could only obey the voice within. So I wrote to him, but through another pastor, asking that my letter be delivered to the speaker (I did recount the events previously here in this blog). So what am I trying to say. There is thumos in all us especially towards the people and the structure whom we align with and commit and submit to. My thumos got the better of me then. We look up to such people and structure to pastor us – to protect, perfect, provide and partner with us. And such people would be better to minister if they know how I feel, how I fare, what I think and what I observe and how I can contribute whether in concrete terms or as feedback. Without regard to the thumos of the members, one cannot know how members feel or fare. Scripture is very clear.

Proverbs 27:23 “Know well the condition of your flocks,
    and give attention to your herds,

Phillip Keller’s book on Psalm 23 is one of my all time favorite. I wonder how many leaders and pastors know the vocation and work of a shepherd, or more specifically and thoroughly the subject of their charge, or moreso the state of the sheep. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, Paul exemplified his own ministry : in tending to lambs, to nourish them to grow, to nurse them to health, and nurture them to grow – the role of a mother. And in tending to sheep (lambs and sheep – did Paul learn about Jesus’ imperative from Peter?) to model before them the life of Jesus (close proximity and presence, to mature them in grace and truth. The role as a father in the faith. He was a mentor them. Example is not the best way to teach and transmit a life. It is the only way.

By post, Paul shared how he felt towards the Thessalonians. He revealed the purpose of his life – pure in his motives, purity in his message, methods (no manipulation or marketting) and ministry as a mother and father. Paul was in prayer constantly and continuously for those in his charge, ministered gladly in person (1 Thes 1:10). When he could not meet, he had to send a proxy (1 Thess 2:17-3:1) for they were his crown, his glory and his joy. Paul protected them, for they must be grounded in the faith (1 Thess 3:1-5), and not profited from them (1 Thess 2:5). (Wonder whether the NT apostles sold their teachings and meditations? Can’t resist this jibe after reading pastor Skye Jethani’s The Evangelical INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and the Rise of Celebrity Pastors)

The Evangelical Industrial Complex mirrored what Richard Halverson said :-

“In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centered on the living Christ. Then the church moved to Greece, where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome, where it became an institution. Next, it moved to Europe, where it became a culture. And, finally, it moved to America, where it became an enterprise.”

The scripture in 1 Thessalonians has provided us with the pattern and practice for church ministers and ministry. When people (the crown, glory, joy, according to Paul) are neglected, ignored, this priority has been misplaced or replaced by some other pursuits or pre-occupation – whether by choice, chance or convenience. Especially so when churches have been blessed with success (in earthly terms?) in numbers, resources, reach, etc. As with geo-politics hubris can set in.

Hubris could likely ignore the thumos.

Zohnerism in our churches

I learnt about Zohnerism yesterday from a WhatsApp group discussing geopolitics. It was a most delightful and enlightening lesson. As it was coined after Nathan Zohner, I googled wiki to learn more :-

A 1983 April Fools’ Day edition of the Durand Express, a weekly newspaper in Durand, Michigan, reported that “dihydrogen oxide” had been found in the city’s water pipes, and warned that it was fatal if inhaled, and could produce blistering vapors.[1] The first appearance of the parody on the Internet was attributed by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to the “Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide”,[2][3] a parody organization at UC Santa Cruz following on-campus postings and newsgroup discussions in 1990.[4]

This new version of the parody was created by housemates while attending the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1989–1990,[2][4][better source needed] revised by Craig fJackson in 1994,[2] and brought to widespread public attention in 1997 when Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student, gathered petitions to ban “DHMO” as the basis of his science project, titled “How Gullible Are We?[5]

So Zohnerism was given the label from 1997 after N Zohner’s science project “How Gullible Are We?”

Indeed we are all gullible, credulous, unwary and unthinking – vulnerable to group think, confirmation bias etc. Nowadays, with the multitude of social media and platforms competing for our attention, baiting us to eye-ball their content, facts not only can be presented in context and objectively, but also embellished and conflated with an agenda. Facts can be subtly and deceptively packaged in many diverse ways.

Off topic – Lately I’ve been very much into geopolitics, even participating in a Edx course on the future of US vs China relationship etc.  I want to be aware and be alert to world events, in the light of the end-times geopolitical relationships and rivalries before Jesus returns! Jesus prophesied about ethnos against ethnos in the last days. I not only want to be an informed spectator, but also a discerning observer and expectant pilgrim; differentiating facts, fiction, fabrications and falsehood.   And my interest is compounded by the ludicrous and ridiculous claims and fabrications on Xinjiang affairs related to the end-times as propounded by ‘pastor’ Adrian Zenz, also a self-proclaimed Xinjiang expert!  I am reminded of what US ex-CIA director Pompeo revealed how the CIA lied and cheated (  

Aren’t western democracies supposed to be champions and practitioners of Judaic Christian values and truth, justice, fair-play etc. I am thinking of the western democratic governments’ narratives on Xinjiang genocide etc and astounded by the concealment and fabrications of realities by governments, government and weapons-manufacturers’ funded think-tanks, NGOs, western press, etc; Oh, how people are distracted and diverted from finding truth. Even supposedly wise and influential people avoid the truth (closed minds – eg. how a Canadian resident was rejected when he tried to engage with many Canadian parliamentarians to discuss why Canada accused China of genocide against Uighurs ( – this is recent, and there are many other western vloggers on the ground sharing on YT about geopolitical realities and rivalries)

I suppose I am fortunate to be living in Singapore with access to information from many varied sources, especially westerners living in China (having subscribed to Quora on Xinjiang and China affairs; and to YT’s Numuves; Daniel Dumbrill; Cyrus Jansen, Differences Frames the World; Max Blumenthal of Graystone; CGTN; and CGTN re BBC; Kim Iversen, Japanese – Hezimeng; etc etc).  

Wonder how many are aware of the book “Fake News Factory” authored by David Sedgwick. And how the 2015 Dishonest Reporter of the Year was awarded to BBC!

Somehow it does concern me, implicitly when the narratives are about the West vs East. I am disturbed, first as a target victim racial group, and I am disturbed when the Western civilization has degraded from being civil. The west was the source of missionaries, good theologians, pastors, teachers etc. Western democracies supposedly are lead by bible believing statesman – so I thought.

So who can I trust? Whatever has happened to Judaic Christian values and truthfulness owned and prescribed upon others? And can I trust the interpretations, meditations and teachings of the pulpits?  

I must have an open mind and be constantly testing and verifying; as Frank Zappa said “My mind is like a parachute, it only works when its open!”  I will be easily misled, and deceived, and even destroyed if my mind isn’t open to searching for the truth. I must be a Berean (Acts 17:11)

Coming back to what I wish to share.   

Just as in the beginning – Eve succumbed.  First, she was distracted from the reason for man”s creation and existence (to worship and walk with and work for the Creator). Then she was aroused to think of her own desires instead of God’s design and desire.  The implanted suggested thoughts 1) to be like God, 2) to be full and filled, 3) to be wise (Gen3:5,6) are too appealing and attractive. Desirable, irresistible, and too good to be ignored.  A pastor ever played reverse psychology on the congregation – ‘if you do not want such blessings of prosperity, let me have them’ – endorsing the flawed validity and truth of God sanctioned success.  

The moment I get distracted from God’s purpose and design for my life and focus on my desires and needs (all legitimate for my earthly life = it opens the door for earthly practical wisdom to replace the spiritual eternal goals God instructs me to have (Colossians 3:1). Oh, the proliferation of sermons and books that promote a self-gratifying life-style.

With a self-directed and self-gratifying mindset, it is easy for me to accept positive testimonies of healings, promotions, etc, because the success bias or survivor bias sets in.  So it is easy to fall prey to being misled and misguided by ministers and ministries which only share and publish positive testimonies. Often, healing session omt the whole counsel and truth – that healing for earthly sickness, ailment and disease are not guaranteed, only in the eternal and eschatological dimension.

And when there are differing inputs by believers, my cognitive discordance will reject any dissent. Such unconscious and underlying mindset are at play, and I need help from pastors, leaders to get into the truth of God’s word.  I need to be taught about the study of God’s Word, to be shown, to be hand-held, to be coached, corrected and critiqued.  I need to be adsorbed, accepted and affirmed in a study group with much thinking hats. Once a cell member recommended that a few of us should meet to study the scripture. And fast and furious was the retort from the group leader : “No.  No one can meet to study outside the official cell groups” even when study of scripture was non-existent in the fellowship group meetings.

Such a culture in churches will nurture future generations of saints who would be ignorant.  As the prophet said – famine for hearing God’s Word (Amos 8:11)

In such circumstances, it would be easy for God’s Word to be distorted, and God’s people deceived.  Pulpits must be vigilant not to conflate rosy scripture and present a man-centred life of faith. I lost count of how the pulpit taught 3 John 2 as a promise for prosperity, even when it is clearly a prayer.  Zohnerism at work when positive-thinking, possibility-thinking, proverbs, prayers, etc are conflated with devotional thoughts and human wisdom, justification, rationalization (instead of doctrinal truth) to put forward a teaching from God!  And promises to individuals in bible narratives and conflated and claimed as absolute promises for all (I concede that God can still make direct promises to individuals today)

Zohnerism is widespread in Christianity. The birds of the air (agents of satan) in addition to snatching God’s word from the soil went on to roost and rest in the tree (Matt 13 – kingdom of God).  The birds’ chirping, distraction, distortion and deception in God’s community goes on in the midst of God’s people (Matt 7:15; 24:24; Acts 20:28-30; 1 Tim 2 Tim 4:3,4; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 3:16-17; 1 John 4:1-6;).

Counterfeit bills are getting more sophisticated, credibly forged and difficult to detect. It is the same now from the pulpits and pens of false and flawed teachers. Some flawed teachers have good intentions, wanting to cherry pick and conflate scripture to make it more appealing and attractive, pandering to man’s real earthly needs and in the process distract eternity bound pilgrims from setting our hearts and minds in heaven. Many endear themselves when they conveniently or carelessly opine their meditations by crafting clever, creative conclusions from their meditations and these become memes shared and circulated widely. How I miss exegetical and expository sermons.  Instead there’s a profusion of devotional thoughts and interpretations from pulpits and books penned for mass readership. Sadly, churches and ministries market books by pastors and leaders, and neglecting to exhort, hand-hold and equip members to skillfully study with discernment. It’s convenient and less pastoring – to spoon feed fast food, finger food than teaching members to gather food and cook for themselves. How I need to differentiate devotional thoughts from doctrinal teachings.    I once asked a Christian statesman (he quotes from famous Christian authors, theologians profusely to augment his sermons) whether those quotes are absolute truth or just interpretations and opinions of scripture.  He conceded, no those quotes were not absolute truth!   

Then satan distorted God’s word to Eve, and so Eve was deceived! Destruction ? (John10:10)

So lets be astute and be watchful for Zohnnerism in our midst! Let us all be like the Bereans.

Even when Paul had taught the whole counsel of God, He was perceptive and discerning to go on to warn that

“fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things” (Acts 20:29-30).

We need to know the teachings of the whole counsel, and we need to be true to the whole counsel.